Welcome Cast and Crew of Footloose the Musical!
Consider this your place to find everything you need throughout the rehearsal process. We look forward to making a lot of memories with you this summer, in what is sure to be an energetic, crowd pleasing performance!
As always, feel free to contact us at hello@sudbrinkacademy,com with any questions.
As always, feel free to contact us at hello@sudbrinkacademy,com with any questions.
Password for dance videos is sundayshoes
For Call Times, please note that cast members are welcome to be in the space during times outside of their call, as long as other groups are rehearsing. In the beginning, there are the most divisions, so you may be called 30 minutes or one hour. Please stay longer if you need to, or if car pooling with someone who needs to be there longer. Bring your script to study, your music with headphones, sketching supplies, books to read - any quiet activity that you could do during down times. After everything has been taught, we will get into longer call times for all.
LIFT CORE will be called:
Saturday June 29 10am to noon
Saturday July 13 10am to noon
Saturday July 27 3pm-5pm
Saturday June 29 10am to noon
Saturday July 13 10am to noon
Saturday July 27 3pm-5pm
- Please print and sign our Code of Conduct, to be returned to the first rehearsal you attend. Thank you!

code_of_conduct_spa.pdf |
- Please fill out this costumes survey so that we can start to put together costume options for you, even before we begin rehearsing!
- SCHEDULE - We rehearse Monday - Thursday between 6-9pm beginning June 17.
- All conflicts submitted after June 1 are considered UNEXCUSED. Unexcused absences can result in being pulled from parts of the show, and permanently losing stage time. Habitual unexcused absences will result in removal from the show.
- PROGRAM ADS! Every business ad you sell earns you SudKid credits! Congrats ads also available just for fun! Due by July 1 to appear in the Footlights program. If you need help designing your ad, just let us know! Buy the ad and we will get you the help you need. :)
- We cannot put together our incredible shows without our amazing volunteers! Please commit to volunteering 10 hours or more of your time per family to help make everything go smoothly! Use the button to let us know what area you are interested in and we will get committees created.
- Raising donations is a great way to support our mission to create the best possible productions! If you know family, friends, or neighbors who would like to contribute to our show, they can make a huge impact, even in small amounts!
- Donations are tax deductible as we have a 501(c)(3) status.
- Do you have connections with any corporations that give to nonprofits? Check out our Corporate Sponsor page and see if your company would have interest in supporting our show, while receiving the benefits of sponsorship!
- Read about SudKid credits, our tuition credit program that lets you fundraise up to $100 of your tuition. If you'd rather pay the cash and not fuss over fundraising, that's okay too. But if you'd like to save some cash, check out this link for more details!
- Cast and Crew directory CLICK HERE!
Jes Sudbrink - Director - 262-510-2035/262-424-4966